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Convocação Prestação de Contas 2019 2020
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Posted on: 12/30/2019 | Edition: 251 | Section: 1 | Page: 197

Agency: Ministry of Citizenship/Executive Secretariat



Publicizes the sports projects, listed in Annex I, approved at the ordinary meeting held on 12/18/2019, and at the extraordinary meeting held on 12/26/2019.

THE TECHNICAL COMMITTEE LINKED TO THE MINISTRY OF CITIZENSHIP (Special Secretariat for Sports - Decree 9,674 of January 2, 2019) referred to in Law No. 11.438 of December 29, 2006, established by Ordinance No. 357, of February 20, 2019, considering:

a) the approval of the sports projects, listed in Annex I, approved at the ordinary meeting held on 12/18/2019, and at the extraordinary meeting held on 12/26/2019.

b) proof by the proponent of an approved sports project of the respective fiscal and tax regularities at the federal, state and municipal levels, pursuant to the sole paragraph of art. 27 of Decree No. 6.180 of August 3, 2007 decides:

Art. 1 To make public, for the purposes of Law nÂș 11.438 of 2006 and Decree nÂș 6.180 of 2007, the approval of the sports project listed in annex I.

Art. 2 To authorize fundraising, under the terms and deadlines expressed, through donations or sponsorships, for the sports project listed in Annex I.

Art. 3 This resolution enters into force on the date of its publication.


Chairman of the Commission




6 - Process: 71000.049321/2019-79

Proponent: Superação Sports and Culture Association

Title: Giant Wheelchair Rugby School

Registration: 02SP162672017

Sports Manifestation: Participating Sport

CNPJ: 17.869.245/0001-52

City: Campinas State: SP

Authorized amount for funding: BRL 310,921.34

Bank Details: Banco do Brasil Agency No. 4038 DV: X Current Account (Blocked) No. 24951-3

Funding Period until: 12/26/2021

Logo Fiec

Development Term 038/19

Effective: 03/01/2019 to 02/29/2020


Signature date: 02/15/2019


Civil Society Organization: Superação Sport and Culture Association CNPJ No. 17.869.245.0001/52


Celebrating Public Agency: Campinas City Hall CNPJ No. 51.885.242/0001-40 through the Municipal Department of Sports and Leisure


Object of the partnership: Sports project entitled "Wheelchair Rugby - Giants", duly selected through the FIEC Call Notice No. 01/2018 with transfer of financial resources from the Campinas Sports Investment Fund - FIEC.

Total Partnership Value: BRL 50,000.00


Paid work team with the partnership


Accountability Status:


  • Transfer of the 1st Installment: BRL 12,500.00 on 03/14/2019

Rendering of Accounts for the 1st Installment: 05/09/2019 (relating to the period from 03/01/2019 to 04/30/2019). Status: APPROVED


  • Transfer of the 2nd Installment: 12,500.00 on 06/14/2019

Rendering of Accounts for the 2nd Installment: 08/07/2019 (relating to the period from 05/01/19 to 07/31/19). Status: APPROVED


  • Transfer of the 3rd Installment: 12,500.00 on 09/04/2019

Rendering of Accounts for the 3rd Installment: 11/06/2019 (relating to the period from 08/01/19 to 10/31/19). Status: APPROVED


  • Transfer of the 4th. Installment: 12,500.00 on 12/05/2019

Rendering of Accounts for the end of the year 2018: 01/10/2020 (relating to the period from 11/01/19 to 12/31/19). Status: APPROVED


Accountability for the year 2020: 03/11/2020 (relating to the period from 01/01/20 to 02/20/2020). Status: APPROVED


(19) 99709-9906

Address: Rua Francisco Bianchini nÂș 498

Vila Georgina - Campinas/SP

All rights reserved.
SuperAção Sports and Culture Association.
© Copyright 2013.

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