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Master's Defense, Faculty of Physical Education - UNICAMP.

Ana Ramkrapes


A GIANT thank you to everyone who participated along the way. Finally, Master at the Exercise Physiology Laboratory, Faculty of Physical Education - Unicamp!
To my advisor Claudia Regina Cavaglieri , for accepting this challenge, which seemed crazy at first, for having trusted me and for all the words of recognition.
To my laboratory friends, from the group “Elisa Minha Vida”, who not only helped me, but also made my days more joyful Renata Garbellini Duft, Ivan Luiz Padilha, Keryma Chaves, Arthur Gáspari and Joice Trombetta.
To the examining board Andrea Marculano, for all his patience, attention and affection in every word, and Rômulo Bertuzzi , for his contribution, for his words and for being so human... you made such a difficult moment a pleasure.
To the volunteers who made themselves available to participate, for the sheer pleasure of helping Danilo Lopes , Marcos, Esdras, Washington Braga Dutra, Washigton Conceicao Moura, Thiago Motta, Ademir Souza, Marcilio Nunes, Luís Fernando, Ariel Ramkrapes, Andre Montanher .
To the athletes of the Gigantes team, for the coexistence, for the affection, for always helping me, for putting up with my screams and my cries, moments of delicacy and bravery (sometimes on the same day hahaha) Miguel Soares, José Higino, Zé Raul, Rafael Hoffmann , Jeferson Silva, Sandro Rocha, Adilson Ramos, Gabriel De Souza Simplício, Fernando Abud Putini, Armando da Silva, Wellyton Silva, Mariana Figueiredo, and Alexandre Giurito, for all extra-court strength, during the process and in difficult moments.
And of course, to my brothers, who worked so hard for me to have the opportunity to study Carolina Ramkrapes, Francisco Nair Ramkrapes, Lenir Rinaldi, Cleonir Boito Ramkrapes, Eloir Ramkrapes, Ivanir Ramkrapes and Moacir Boito.
To my parents, Melania and Severino, for all the structure, for being tireless and showing me the way and the reward of “hard work”.
I will be eternally grateful to everyone!!! 💙


(19) 99709-9906

Address: Rua Francisco Bianchini nº 498

Vila Georgina - Campinas/SP

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